Park Mead 2024

Maples Forest School

The class started their afternoon by thinking about their whole year of Forest School and worked in small groups to complete an evaluation. They came up with some lovely reflections and ideas and recorded them together under the shelter.


YOU - Has forest school affected how you feel about yourself and your well-being- If so how?

“It makes us feel happy…It makes me feel calm…happy and calm,
Especially when I am climbing…happy, adventurous and free…excited…
You are free and can do things you like”

NATURE - Has forest school affected how you feel about nature – if so how?

“I like nature…I like the wild…It makes me feel happy…I like being in nature…happy…It makes us feel intelligent

LEARNING – What skills did you learn or develop this year at Forest School?

“My listening skills are better….fire lighting…That bees are precious…How animals live…not to pick mushrooms…how to make a fire…How to make a bug hotel…climbing”

The children continued the projects some of them had started during the last session, some of them using wood with hammers and nails to develop more sections for the bug hotel, which they then decorated with care. They also used the wood to create signs to label some of the dens they had made on the Forest School site.

Some children had a go at making symmetrical butterflies with card and connecting them onto sticks to make them flutter and fly.

There was of lots of climbing of the trees and swinging on the tyre swing.

The Impact of Forest School for the children is the knowledge the children have gained from the Forest School experience. The impact can be seen through the skills gained, tools used, art and craft activities, observations and knowledge of the fruit, plants trees in relation to the seasons and the skills involved in learning how to play Forest School games.

Some children made bows and arrows with string and freshly cut willow from the pond area. They had a go at learning how to tie knots and worked hard at using new tools to create with. They used secateurs, peelers, hammers and nails to adapt, connect, cut and create with.

It is great to see the confidence in self-chosen activities at Forest School developing in the children.