Park Mead 2024

Oaks Forest School

Today Oaks Class started their session by playing a team game of ‘Giants, Wizards, and Elves’.

The class then thought about their whole year of Forest School and worked in small groups to complete an evaluation. They came up with some good reflections and ideas and recorded them together under the shelter.


YOU - Has forest school affected how you feel about yourself and your well-being- If so how?

‘It makes me feel calm…I feel good because Forest School is fun…It helps me calm down…a little bit better…Yes, it makes me happy because it is fun being outside…it helps…’

NATURE - Has forest school affected how you feel about nature – if so how?

‘I still love it…yes because I respect things more now…’

LEARNING – What skills did you learn or develop this year at Forest School?

“Fire lighting…making elderflower pancakes…making prints out of flowers…How to light a fire without matches…shelter building…I learned that I could eat elderflower…how to make stuff from nature….’


What activities did you enjoy most or would like to do more of?

“Den building…digging a hole in the mud…the tyre swing…Fire lighting…making with clay…cooking in the mud kitchen…clay and cooking…Playing…playing games..’


What did you like about the woodland space and Forest School environments?

‘I like the trees…I like the pond…the fact there is a tyre swing…I like how it changes in the season…’
This week the Oaks chose their own activities as it was their last session of the year.

Some of the class used peelers and knives to create carefully crafted and string wrapped pens from willow. They learned how to use the knives safely and how to wrap and bind their pens with string and wool to make a pen grip. They then crushed some charcoal into a fine powder and added water to make ink to use with their pens.

There was some brilliant creations in the mud kitchen. From chicken soup with herbs, a beautifully presented lasagne, layered with mud and leaves and decorated with flower petals and some crushed charcoal dishes.

Some of the group used the clay to sculpt and craft , making some vessels and prints with natural objects in the clay.

Some used sticks and fabric to make small houses for the toy animals. They decorated their tent house by writing on the fabric, and using the charcoal ink to dye the fabric to make a blanket for their animals in the house.

Lots of the children spent time playing in the wild areas of the site, following their own ideas and interests. They loved the tyre swing and playing in the den areas they have created over the last few months.