Performances |
All year groups
All year round |
RE, Literacy, drama, PSHE |
- Performance confidence
- Deepening understanding of Christianity
- Application of and purpose for literacy skills (writing poems and prayers)
- Follows long standing traditions of the school
- Follows identification of the need to increase opportunities for performance and raising confidence in speaking and singing
- Parent voice gained to evaluate the performances
- Supports the vision of both schools – Christian Values and British Values.
- Governors are invited to attend.
- Leadership ‘top and tail’ the events, celebrating the learning and performances and identifying the significance of the celebration
- National significant dates
Enrichment Days |
All year groups |
Skills not covered in curriculum |
- Development of non-curricular skills
- Experience of visiting leaders
- Experience opportunities not covered by the NC
- Confidence
- ‘Real life’ learning
- Developing citizenship skills
- Application of learning
- Identification of the need to increase opportunities for learning outside of the curriculum
- Pupil voice gained following events to identify impact
- Parents invited into school to share in the learning
- Community links strengthened as locals and parents invited to support the workshops
- Governors invited to celebrations, and invited to lead/support in activities
British Values Celebration |
Incorporated into the Learning Powers of the school
All year groups |
Humanities, PSHE, Citizenship, cross-curricular activities |
- Performance confidence
- Making links across curriculum areas
- ‘real life’ learning
- Deepening understanding of British Values
- Developing citizenship skills and awareness
- Application of learning
- Introduced following the emphasis on British Values in the new curriculum.
- Impact can be seen in the children’s knowledge of the values and the displays and collections of work in the school.
- Certificate received by each child demonstrates their ability to follow the values and is shared with parents.
Focus Country Week |
Terms 2 and 4
All year groups |
Humanities, PSHE, cross-curricular activities |
- Deepening awareness of multi-faith society
- Deepening awareness of other faiths and cultures
- Performance confidence
- Making links across curriculum areas
- ‘real life’ learning
- Introduced following the identification at East Hoathly of the need for further multi-cultural experiences within the school (particularly in EYFS).
- Links to British Values and school vision.
- Humanities Subject Leader organises, resources and leads on the events of the week
Anti-Bullying Week |
Term 2
All year groups |
- Awareness of school policy
- Application of school policy
- Self-awareness and self-confidence
- Awareness of own and other’s behaviour
- Parental engagement with school policy
- Introduced as part of a national focus week
- Led by the Assistant Headteachers – resourcing, planning, leading assemblies.
- Some of the foci of the week determined by parent and pupil questionnaires
Maths Week |
Term 3
All year groups |
Maths, cross-curricular learning |
- Application of maths learning
- Maths across the curriculum
- ‘Real life’ learning
- Focus on specific area of need
- Raising awareness of policy
- Increasing parental awareness and support
- Led, prepared, organised and resourced by the Maths Subject Leader.
- Foci determined from broad areas of learning in need of further development, e.g. Problem solving, mental arithmetic, as identified through assessments.
- Encompasses some staff CPD, e.g. with the use of a particular strategy/equipment/concept
World Book Day and Literacy Week |
Term 4
All year groups |
Literacy, cross-curricular learning |
- Application of literacy learning
- Literacy across the curriculum
- Focus on specific area of need
- Raising awareness of policy
- Increasing parental awareness and support
- ‘Real life’ learning
- Introduced as part of a national annual campaign
- Led, prepared, organised and resourced by the English Subject Leader.
- Foci determined from broad areas of learning in need of further development, e.g. applying use of punctuation, non-fiction reading
- Encompasses some staff CPD, e.g. with the use of a particular strategy/equipment/concept
Enterprise Week |
Term 2
All year groups |
Maths, Citizenship, PSHE, cross-curricular learning |
- Application of learning
- Financial literacy
- Focus on specific area of need
- Raising awareness of policy
- Increasing parental awareness and support
- ‘Real life’ learning
- Led, prepared, organised and resourced by the Maths Subject Leader.
- Foci linked to areas of maths learning in need of further development, e.g. addition of decimal numbers, finding change
- Encompasses some staff CPD, e.g. with the use of a particular strategy/equipment/concept
Awe and Wonder Day |
Term 6
All year groups |
Humanities, PSHE, Citizenship, RE, Art cross-curricular activities |
- Performance confidence
- Making links across curriculum areas
- ‘real life’ learning
- Deepening understanding of given theme
- Developing citizenship skills and awareness
- Application of learning
- Introduced following the identification at East Hoathly of the need to further develop Christian Values
- Links to Christian Values, British Values and school vision.
- RE Subject Leader organises, resources and leads on the events of the week
- Governors invited to celebrations, and invited to lead/support in activities
Choir |
All year round
Year 2-6 |
Music, PSHE, Drama |
- Performance confidence
- Self-confidence
- Self-awareness
- Representing the school, responsibility
- Follows identification of the need to increase opportunities for performance and raising confidence in speaking and singing
- Supports the vision of both schools – Christian Values and British Values.
- Governors are invited to attend.
- Led by music specialist
Forest School |
All year round
All year groups -timetable opportunities |
Cross-curricular – topic linked |
- Self-confidence
- Self-awareness
- Survival skills
- Tool skills
- Team work
- Pupil voice gained – through evidence in the newsletter
- Links to school ethos, Christian Values, British Values.
- Evaluated termly and through planning
- Led, planned, assessed and delivered by Forest School Subject Leader
Competitive sporting events |
All year round
KS2 |
- Enhanced PE skills
- Team work
- Self-confidence
- Self-awareness
- Representing the school, responsibility
- Led, organised, planned and evaluated by the PE subject leader.
Thrive |
All year round
All year groups – ‘Thrive School’
Individual children through 1:1 support, identified by class teachers, SENCO and SLT |
- Identifying and plugging gaps in development
- Supporting children in raising their emotional literacy
- Strategies for children to self-regulate
- Raising self esteem
- Raising attainment
- Led, organised and resourced by the Thrive Practitioner, under the guidance of the SENCO and SLT.
- Evaluated at Pupil Progress meetings, with individuals receiving 1:1 support monitored against attainment targets
- Pupil voice and parent voice regularly used as an evaluation and informative tool.
- Monitored as part of the SEND Governor monitoring
Growth Mindset |
All year round
All children involved and benefit
Weekly whole school certificate to celebrate |
- Raising self esteem
- Raising attainment
- Confidence building
- Problem solving
- Resilience
- Team work
- Self-confidence
- Self-awareness
- Link to school’s vision and ethos
- Links to Christian Values
- Links to British Values
- Led by various staff members, including class teachers, SLT, TAs, MDSAs
- Evaluated and discussed through weekly assemblies
Children as Leaders |
All year round
Year 1-6 – Pupil Govs voted for by peers, others chosen by teachers |
Pupil Governors
Learning Ambassadors
RE Council (East Hoathly)
Playground Pals
Peer Mediators
Year 6 Special Friends/Buddies
Reading mentors (Year 5 and 6 reading with younger children weekly) |
- Confidence building
- Gaining a sense of belonging
- Experience in responsibility
- Experience in meeting and speaking to unknown adults
- Problem solving
- Resilience
- Caring for and supporting others
- Wider community experience
- Pupil Governors meet with Federation Governors to lead on areas.
- Link to school’s vision and ethos
- Links to Christian Values
- Links to British Values
- Led by various staff members, including class teachers, caretaker, RE Subject leader, MDSAs