Awe and Wonder Day

The theme of Awe and Wonder Day was Equality and Inclusion.

On Thursday 6th May, the children at East Hoathly all took part in a range of activities that focussed on the theme of the day: Equality and Inclusion.

Children in Years 1-6 were visited by CLASS practitioner, Lisa, who led ’Amazing Me’ workshops. At the end of the morning, Lisa was really impressed with the sensitivity the children displayed during the workshops. She was touched by how amazing the children were with their brilliant questions and eagerness to learn. Lisa said her visit to East Hoathly had been one of the best so far!

The Hedgehogs explored how we are all different by reading the text ‘It’s Okay to be Different’ by Todd Parr. They then talked about how if we are all different, we would all need different things to help us. They looked at some images and thought about if they were fair or not, and what each one meant for the people involved.

After this, the Hedgehogs explored how they could show the value of love by helping others who may not be able to hear or see. The children learnt how this might feel by using headphones and special glasses. The Hedgehogs helped Miss Denney around the classroom, giving her clues and prompts so she didn’t hurt herself.

The Squirrels had a go at ‘blindfold phonics’ where they had to try and figure out what sound they were holding. The Squirrels found this really challenging and learnt that it would be really tricky to read if you were blind and turned to thinking about how braille is super useful! Squirrel Class then thought about how everybody was unique, focussing on their own likes and interests and comparing them with their friends.

The children in Fox Class had fun with their activities. The children created a portrait of an inner me and an outer me, using a range of materials to create some very impressive collages! The children also incorporated maths into their Awe and Wonder Day by creating a Venn diagram of what their own likes were in comparison to their partner’s.

Jack C from Owl Class reported that all of the Owls learnt about famous people who had disabilities, like Redouan Chitt (who is a famous breakdancer), who was born with one arm that was a shorter than the other and Beethoven, who was deaf, but still learnt all of the keys on the piano off by heart. They also learnt about Frida Kahlo and her story inspired them to create their own portraits of themselves in her style of painting.

The children ended the morning with a virtual assembly with the other classes to share what they had learnt throughout the morning.