Rabbits started there Forest School session today by taking a look at a variety of different bones belonging to British wildlife. As a group they tried to guess what skull belonged to what animal, with a few clues they did really well. They took it in turns to hold and take a closer look at each one, noticing the gaps where the teeth should have been but have fallen out.
There was great team work from the children today as they worked together to pull the trolley down to Forest School, working together to lift the front up a small step as the other children pushed from the back.
Once on site the children sat around the fire circle. We then passed stones around that had the foot print of various animals on one side, again the children tried to guess what animal it could be. If they did not know then they could turn the stone over as the animal was on the other side. With salt dough the children used the stones to push into the salt dough making their own imprints to take home with many choosing to print the animal instead of the footprint.
Others chose to make a loo roll bird feeder to hang up at Forest School to help feed the birds we share our site with. They did this by spreading lard over the empty loo roll and then rolling it in bird seed. They then had a little help to make a hole at one end and thread a piece of wool through the hole so that it could be hung up. Once this was done they chose a tree branch and hung there loo roll feeder from, ready for any hungry bird nearby.