Forest School

Forest School is an inspirational process, that offers ALL learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands- on learning experiences in a woodland or natural environment with trees. The growing body of research points to numerous benefits to learner, educator, child and parent alike.

Forest School is the name of a specific ethos. Qualified practitioners carefully facilitate programmes which are uniquely tailored to the needs of the individuals within the group and have the fundamental aim of building participants’ self-esteem, confidence, independence and creativity. The name does not refer to an actual place; it refers to the philosophy.

The Impact of this is the knowledge the children have gained from the Forest School experience.

The impact can be seen through skills, art and craft activities, observations and knowledge of the fruit, plants trees in relation to the seasons and the skills involved in learning how to play Forest School games.

The principals of Forest School state that it is:

  • a long-term process of regular sessions, rather than a one-off or infrequent visits; the cycle of planning, observation, adaptation and review links each session.
  • taking place in a woodland or natural environment to support the development of a relationship between the learner and the natural world.
  • using a range of learner-centred processes to create a community for being, development and learning.
  • aiming to promote the holistic development of all those involved, fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners.
  • offering learners, the opportunity to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves.
  • run by qualified Forest School practitioners who continuously maintain and develop their professional practice.

At Forest School all participants (children and adults) are viewed as:

  • equal, unique and valuable
  • competent to explore & discover
  • entitled to experience appropriate risk and challenge
  • entitled to choose, and to initiate and drive their own learning and development
  • entitled to experience regular success
  • entitled to develop positive relationships with themselves and other people
  • entitled to develop a strong, positive relationship with their natural world

This ethos creates learning communities where deep-level learning and progression are the norm.

Forest School Blog

Hedgehogs joined up with the children form Squirrels class ready to set off to the woods for a shared Forest read more
Foxes set off on a cold sunny morning for the woods. Working together they pulled the trolley of equipment, not read more
Owls set off on a muddy walk down to Forest School, working together to push the trolley full of the read more
Squirrels started their session today by taking a look at a selection of bones belonging to animals from the British read more
Rabbits started there Forest School session today by taking a look at a variety of different bones belonging to British read more
Hedgehogs set off for the first Forest School adventure as a class in the woods. They worked amazingly as a read more
Owls set off in beautiful winter sunshine for a Forest School adventure in the woods, as they walked they gathered read more
Foxes set off on a soggy morning for a Forest School adventure in the woods. They worked together to carry read more
The children set off on a cold and frosty morning on the hunt for some ice. It wasn’t long before read more
Squirrels set off in the Autumn sunshine on the hunt for as many different shaped leaves as they could find. read more
Woodland class started their session by sitting round the fire circle, recapping some of the safety rules that they had read more
Owls set off for their Forest School session at our new site on the school field. As a group they read more
Foxes were very keen to get out to Forests School this week, they helped to carry everything needed down to read more
Woodland class set off in the sunshine to the new forest school area for their first session back in the read more
Squirrels set off on the hunt for some blackberries with the hope of finding enough that they could make jam read more
Hedgehogs class started today by talking about what would happen to cream if it was put into a pot and read more
Nursery started their forest school session today with a game of keeper of the keys. Some of the children were read more
Foxes made their way to their forest school session in glorious sunshine. As they walked they had the task of read more
Owls set off to the woods for their forest school session, carrying everything that we needed in the woods for read more
Squirrels started their forest school today by having a go at making some butter from cream. The cream was poured read more
We set off to Forest School on the school field, getting into small groups to have a go at a read more
Working in groups Squirrels class set off on a spring scavenger hunt on the school field. They had many different read more
We started today with a spring scavenger hunt, the children got into groups to work together to find what they read more
Hedgehogs started their session today by talking about the season we are in “spring”. They were asked what they had read more
Today the Year 1&2 Classes from East Hoathly and Park Mead joined together for a sunny adventure down on Eastbourne read more
We started today by learning a game called ‘bat & moth’. The class stood in a circle making our cave, read more
We continued with our bird theme at forest school today. The class set off onto the school grounds looking for read more
Hedgehogs got themselves all wrapped up for a soggy morning at forest school. We started today by learning a game read more
We set off for Forest School today keeping an eye out for any birds that we may spot along the read more
Owls started their session by having a look at some pictures of different birds that we may see around the read more
We set off for the woods, on the lookout for some animal tracks along the way. Using some ID sheets read more
We started our session today by looking at the Daffodil bulbs that were planted last time to see if they read more
We started Forest School today by learning a new game called spirit of the forest. The class chose what woodland read more
We started our session today with a game of keeper of the keys; the children took it in turns to read more
We started off our session with a game of ‘keeper of the keys’ on the playground; the class decided it read more
Hedgehogs did really well, making sure that they had all the right waterproof gear on for a potentially soggy Forest read more
We started our Forest School today with a little walk to collect some wood ready for a fire. The children read more
We talked as a group about the rules that we have at forest school to keep up safe, they were read more
A very wet and soggy first Forest School for Hedgehogs today, this did not bother them at all. We got read more
First session back and all of squirrels were very keen to get going and explore forest school. We set off read more
The last session of Forest School of the year brings a time of reflection. The whole class thought about their read more
The whole class thought about their Forest School experience and it’s IMPACT on them this year. YOU - Has forest read more
The last session of Forest School of the year brings a time of reflection. The whole class thought about their read more
The last session of Forest School of the year brings a time of reflection. The whole class thought about their read more
The last session of Forest School of the year brings a time of reflection. The whole class thought about their read more
Hedgehogs set off for the woods together on a beautiful bright morning. On the walk to the woods the children read more
The bluebells are growing in the woodland, so to preserve these amazing plants, the Owls had their session on the read more
Nursery set off for the woods together on a beautiful bright morning. On the way the children looked out for read more
We spent the first part talking about risk assessments and the things the children can do to make sure they read more
The Squirrels class had a go at planting some tree saplings along the fence line of the school field. They read more
As the spring equinox (eui- equal, nox- night) has come, the bluebells are growing in the woodland, so to preserve read more
On the way to the woods, the Squirrel Class looked out for some emerging signs of spring. We learned to read more
On the way to the woods the Hedgehogs class looked out for birds and commented on some of the features read more
Owls set off for the woods in the week of the Lunar new year. The class have been learning about read more
Foxes set off for the woods in the gorgeous, bright, cold frosty morning. Once in the woods, the children started read more
Squirrels are thinking about the ‘Great Fire of London’ as their learning journey this term, so today they had a read more
Hedgehogs started their session by listening to the story of ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’. We talked about how the different animals read more
Nursery set off for the woods together, with their waterproofs and wellies. On the way to the woods the children read more
Squirrels set off for the woods in the sunshine and were thankful that the rain had finally stopped! They all read more
At Forest school this week Squirrels Class made a fire. Once it was ready, we cooked delicious s'mores and chocolate read more
In forest school this week, Squirrels Class made beautiful mobiles from foraged sticks, feathers and leaves. Also, we took part read more
Hedgehogs had a fantastic visit to the community garden this term, where they harvested the vegetables, they planted in the read more
In forest school this week, Hedgehogs Class noticed lots of changes in the woodland from our last visit. We created read more
Squirrels had an amazing time in the forest this week. Thank you to Miss Roberts and Mrs Gray for setting read more
Week 6– This week we went to the community garden. We created our own charcoal, made wands, created willow structures read more
This week in Forest School, Foxes Class enjoyed learning to make shelters. We all worked together using tarpaulins and rope read more
Last week in Forest School, Hedgehogs had great fun exploring the forest and learning all about balance in the trees. read more
Last week in Forest School, Hedgehogs had great fun making fat balls for the birds and hanging them on trees. read more
This week all of East Hoathly Pupils were lucky enough to have a Forest school slot. We got very excited read more
This week, Storm Barra meant we stayed inside for our Forest School session with Miss Roberts. We made Green Man read more
This week at Forest School, Squirrels have been climbing, exploring and investigating. We did some careful observing and drawing of read more
In forest school this week, Foxes Class carved butter knives from sticks, went pond dipping and flew kites. Later, we read more
In forest school this week, Foxes Class started by climbing the 'Dinosaur Log'. Next, we played some forest school games, read more
In forest school this week, Foxes class made butter knives by carefully carving sticks. Also, we flew kites on the read more
Foxes Class had great fun in Forest School this week! We made a giant woolly mammoth out of items foraged read more
Foxes Class had great fun in Forest School this week learning about timber hitch and tension knots, pond dipping & read more
Hedgehogs enjoyed a fun filled forest school this week by exploring the pond and venturing down to the forest. Miss read more
In Forest School this week, Hedgehogs went pond dipping! We found all sorts of water creatures like dragon flies, froglets read more
Hedgehogs visited the woods for this week’s forest school session. They were buzzing with excitement and lots of the children read more
On Monday, Squirrels had a visit from Milly who works for The Lewes Railway Land Trust. We began our day read more
This week, the Squirrels took part in a very exciting session of Forest School with Mrs Smith! As a part read more
This week, Fox Class journeyed down to the woods to have a go at working together to solve problems, build read more
Fox class were extremely excited to begin their forest school adventure in the woods this week. Dens were built, games read more
This week was a soggy, final session of Owl Class’ forest school adventures.The Owls are a resilient bunch and chose read more
At forest school this week Owls class went into the woods. The class took the toolbox with them and with read more
At forest school this week Owls class had lots of fun in the woods. We found slow worms and beetles, read more
In Forest School this week, children in Year 5 and 6 chose to re-create the school's 4 new values on read more
It was a rather soggy forest school session this week but that didn't stop Owls class having fun. Work continued read more
Owl Class took on a challenge this week in forest school. After such a long time away, our field forest read more
Year 1 and 2 have been doing forest school this term with Mrs Smith. They have had the most amazing read more
During the last week of Term 2, the whole school took part in a festive forest school session on the read more
This week, the entire school took part in some very muddy Forest school!  Everyone had a lot of fun in read more
This week, Year 3 and 4 used the natural resources, such as leaves, twigs and pine cones to create skeletons. read more
This week, Reception and Year 1 and 2 enjoyed another session of Forest School. They made dens out of sticks, read more
This week, Reception and Year 1 and 2 had their first joint forest school session. They spent time together as read more
Reception enjoyed a fire and toasting marshmallows in the final Forest School session of the term. Mrs Smith lead the read more
Reception had their first Forest School  adventure last week. We looked for signs of Spring and admired the beautiful bluebells. read more
This week in Forest School, Year 3 and 4 tested their survival skills by making shelters. They used natural materials read more
This week, Year 3 and 4 went onto the field and played the centipede game. Maxym in Year 4 explained, read more
This week, Year 3 and 4 took part in Forest School and for their first session, they ventured down to read more
This term, Year 3 and 4 will be taking part in Forest School. As their topic is ‘Amazon Adventures’, the read more
This week in Forest School, Year 5 and 6 went down to the Forest for Forest School. They were split read more
This week in Forest School, Year 5 and 6 used their artistic skills to create an owl sculpture out of read more
This week in Forest School, Year 5 and 6 spent their afternoon investigating owl pellets. In groups, the children wore read more
Year 5 and 6 had their first Forest School session this week! As the topic is ‘Survival of the Fittest’, read more
From Week 2 of this term, Year 1 and 2 have been taking part in Forest School. This week, Year read more
From Week 2 of this term, Year 1 and 2 have been taking part in Forest School. This week, Year read more
From Week 2 of this term, Year 1 and 2 will be taking part in Forest School. This week, Year read more
This term, Year 1 and 2 will be taking part in Forest School. A letter will be going out with read more
Next term, Year 1 and 2 will be doing Forest School. This week in Forest School, Year 3 and 4 read more
This term, Year 3 and 4 and Reception are doing Forest School. This week, Year 3 and 4 painted their read more
This term, Year 3 and 4 and Reception are doing Forest School.This week, Year 3 and 4 made mobiles. Poppy read more
This term,  Year 3 and 4 and Reception are doing Forest School. This week, Reception practised their fine motor skills read more
This term, Year 3 and 4 and Reception are doing Forest School. In Reception, we discovered a mystery egg and read more
This week, Year 5 and 6 have been taking part in various activities for Sports Week. Next week, Year 5 read more
This week, Year 5 and 6 completed the ultimate shelter building challenge! All the children had to start them off read more
This week, Year 5 and 6 completed the ultimate fire challenge! They had to start a fire and keep it read more
This week in Forest School, Year 5 and 6 will be taking part in Forest School on alternate Mondays and read more
This week in Forest School, Year 1 and 2 choose their favourite activity from the term to do again. In read more
This week in Forest School, Year 1 and 2 made dinosaur nests in the forest using the natural resources around read more
This week in Forest School, the children played ‘Dinosaur Masterchef’ and had to design the most varied meal they could read more
This week in Forest School, Year 3 and 4 braved the cold weather and created a different hanging tree decoration. read more
This week, Year 3 and 4 had their first session of Forest School. During the week, Year 3 and 4 read more
This term Year 3 and 4 are taking part in Forest School. As this term’s topic is ‘This Little Light read more
This week in Forest School, Year 5 and 6 had their final session of this term. In WW2, chocolate and read more
Over the last fortnight, Year 5 and Year 6 have been using strategies and tactics to infiltrate each others’ bases. read more
Over the last fortnight, Year 5 and Year 6 have been making trenches and their own Anderson shelters. They split read more
In our first Forest School session of the term Year 5 & 6 created their own ‘WW2 Anderson Shelters’. They read more
We would like to thank all our volunteer helpers for their help with Forest School. The children really enjoy their read more
From September Forest School will be on a Monday, please let Miss Denney or Mrs Wicks know if you are read more
Year 1/2 built dens in the forest! It was lots of fun and we imagined they were stone age ones! read more
In Forest School last week Year 1 and 2 made stone age fruit stew. The children loved it as it read more
Year 1 and 2 were blindfolded and had to follow the leader and pretended to be hunter gatherers. They found read more
This term, Year 1 and 2 will have their forest school sessions. If you are able to help out on read more
In Term 6 Year 1 and 2 will have their forest school sessions. The weather will (hopefully) be warmer so read more
In groups this week we finished planting the rest of the tree around the forest school area. We are looking read more
In Forest school last week Reception looked carefully at the different flowers they could see then painted their own pictures read more
In Forest school this week Year 3 and 4 got really creative and a little messy! They used lard, birdseed read more
In Forest School this week, Reception planted sunflower and wild seeds. We are looking forward to watching them grow. Due read more
This Term Year 3 and 4 have got their Forest School sessions on Thursday afternoons and Reception Class will be read more
In Year 5 & 6’s last session of the term, they were given the choice of what they wanted to read more
In Forest School last week Year 5 & 6 started to make a wood store using plastic bottles. They chopped read more
Year 5 and 6 had a Healthy Eating Workshop on Thursday last week so swapped their forest school session. This read more
Last week in Forest School, Year 5 and 6 continued with their Book Week theme of “Harry Potter” under the read more
In Forest School last week, Year 5 and 6 braved the wind and created their own dream catchers. Their project read more
This Term Year 5 and 6 will be doing forest school linked to their topic ‘Evolution and Inheritance’. They will read more
In Forest school Year 3/4 used clay and natural materials to shape, mould and sculpt Native American totem poles. Reception read more
In Forest school this week, Reception explored the use of natural materials and clay as they created their own tree read more
In Forest School last week Year 1 and 2 went on a journey to find Stick man. They have been read more
In Forest School this week, Year 1 & 2 used their super sight along a line to spot objects that read more
In forest school this week we took on some challenges and worked in teams. We had three activities to work read more
This week, we were split into three groups: one group with Mrs Yates (who worked together to build like Ants), read more
"We went to the Forest and first we had to make a view finder. We had to find four sticks read more
This week, Year 5 and 6 started their forest school sessions by talking about the skills needed when working together. read more
Forest School this term will be Year 5 and 6 and will be starting next week on a Thursday afternoon. read more