Malawi Afternoon

On Wednesday, each class spent the afternoon learning about Malawi.

In Hedgehogs we looked at Google Earth to see what Malawi looked like and how far away it is from East Hoathly, we then made our own flags and talked about what our school is like compared to schools in Malawi. “their schools didn’t have lots of colourful walls like us” Charlie. “It’s not fair – they don’t get many toys like us, and they have to make things”

For Malawi afternoon, the Squirrels learnt all about life in Malawi from Mrs Healy’s assembly and then discussed how their lives were similar and different from our own. We also did some African clapping and noticed differences and similarities between African music and our own.

In Fox Class, we watched a presentation from Mrs Healy about her visit to Malawi and the work the charity does to raise money to support education. We then watched a video about a boy called Wongami and his experiences at a school in Malawi. Afterwards, we compared the differences between our school experience and theirs. Lastly, the children researched some key facts about Malawi including where it is in the world.

Owl Class spent their afternoon researching differences between Malawi and the UK. The children created very bright and colourful information booklets, highlighting key differences, such as all children in the UK have to complete their education until they are 18, however, in Malawi up to 57% of children don’t manage to complete primary school.

Abbie in Owl Class says “I learnt that Malawi is a really poor country—one of the top 10. It makes me feel sad that they are in that position. People are raising money for the children but they need more help!”