Mathematics Reasoning Morning

On Wednesday 25th January we had Mathematics reasoning morning. This is our Mathematics focus this year! All classes had a whole morning involving problem solving and reasoning activities where the children had to use skills and explain their answers. Year 4 then joined Year 5 and 6, Year 3 joined Year 1 and 2 to buddy up and share their exciting learning. The children really enjoyed themselves and evaluated the morning the next day.

Here are some comments from the children:

Year 1 and 2 – Addition and Subtraction reasoning questions

“We learnt how to solve some problem solving questions.” Lola Y2

“We worked out the answers to problems with addition and subtraction.” Daisy Y1

“I liked seeing Matthew’s work he did on fractions.” Louie Y1

“I enjoyed it. Please can we have a whole year of just Maths?!” Oscar Y2

Year 3 and 4 – Fractions problem solving

“I enjoyed looking for patterns in fractions.”

“I enjoyed working with others to solve problems.”

“I enjoyed sharing my work with other year groups.”

Year 5 and 6 – Murder Mystery Mathematics Problem Solving

“We were detective and we had to find out the answers to questions.” Eve Y6

“I enjoyed breaking the clues down to find the real culprit of the murder.” Emma Y6

“It was fun because it was really hard game and mystery to solve.” Coen Year 5