P.A.Ls Assembly

This Thursday, the children gathered in the Church for the last P.A.Ls assembly of the year. The children sit with another child (not from their class( and go through their books together, discuss how they have improved and shown progress over the term.

Jessica said “Sophie has improved her writing and is more creative with her topic.”

Grace says “Max has learnt to write instructions.”

Lotte says “Delilah has learnt how to make graphs.”

Evelyn says “Logan is writing in more detail than before.”

Maxym “Beatrice has got more confident with her times tables.”

Spencer “Ben has improved his writing by using conjunctions.”

Catherine “Archie has used lots of describing words in his writing.”

As the Christian value of the term is perseverance, we asked the children to tell us if they could see the value of perseverance in their work over the term.

Holly “We have learnt to not give up with the times tables challenges.”

Jess “I keep trying with my writing.”

Miss Purcell “Everyone showed resilience in learning the lines and songs for the summer production.”