PALs Assembly

On Thursday, we held our termly PALs assembly. During this time, we reflected on the term, considering the impact of our worship theme and the learning that has taken place across the school.

To begin with, we discussed our theme of ‘Friendship’. We thought about how the theme links to our school values and rules. Grace (Y2) told us that Friendship links with our value of Love. We thought about how we have been good friends and how others have been good friends to us:

Emily (R) said ‘Albie is a good friend because he shares with me’

Scarlett (2) said ‘I’m a good friend if someone falls over’

Myla (3) said ‘I’m a good friend to Lexi and she is to me – we help each other’

Logan (5) said ‘Charlie was a good friend to me when I joined the school. I was really nervous and he introduced me to everyone.’

Following that, we separated into classes and shared our RE and other learning with our buddies. When we came back together, there was lots to celebrate:

Koko and Albie told us all about their number learning – using number blocks to help them to count.

Ollie, Scarlett and Theo told us all about their RE learning – Ollie had learnt all about parts of a church, Scarlett had celebrated Harvest by printing using fruit and Theo had completed a beautiful painting all about the 6th day of Creation.

In Foxes Class, Alexandra impressed us with her science learning – she told us about magnets and that she has learned that 2 north poles will repel each other but a north and south pole attract and come together. Jake told us about his history learning and interesting facts about Thomas Edison.

In Owls class, Lotte shared Jess’ fantastic writing where she had used lots of description. Jess had been impressed by Lotte’s self-directed research about Crime and Punishment in the Victorian times.

We finished the session by reflecting on Wellbeing day and looking at a checklist to make sure we leave each day feeling positive. Well done everyone for a fantastic term of learning!