Reception’s Bug Day

On Friday 10th May, the children in Reception were joined by Chiddingly Reception class for the day.

They had a fantastic bug themed day, which started with a morning in the forest.

The children were bug hunting, collecting different species and making big bug dens. They also used various resources to create art work that represented what they had been learning.

After a lunch time picnic together, they spent the afternoon creating bug crafts and playing together in the Reception outside area. It was really nice to see the children playing and working together.

Chiddingly children also shared song bug inspired songs they have been learning. Ask your child if they can remember bug heads, shoulders knees and antlers!

Sophie said ” Bug Day was great, we did painting of the trees and the bluebells in the forest.”

Freddy said ” I liked learning songs from Chiddingly all about bugs.”

Delilah said ” I really liked having a picnic on the field.”