Wellbeing Week

Reception watched a clip of Moana and talked about how brave she was to go sailing. Then we talked about worries that sometimes stop us from being brave and  trying new things, so we made worry monsters that we could tell our worries to and once we did, we could then do something brave!

We also learnt a song about five brave fighters and thought about our visit to the fire station yesterday.

We talked about how we are brave in Year 1 and 2 with children saying they show bravery when they go to the doctors, once they held a snake and also when they down the big red slide at Drusillas! Miss Williams said she was too scared to go down that. Then when we went to Forest School the class then showed bravery, as a class we celebrated Sara's achievements as she tried new things which you can see if the photos!

On Tuesday afternoon, Year 3 and 4 children talked about being brave for Mental Health week.

They watched a video about Joseph Wang who had moved to England from China. He explained that even though he didn’t know the language, he built his confidence by being brave and making new friends. He also learnt the violin and tried other things that took courage and resilience.

The children then identified hobbies or skills they would like to try, like Joseph.

Next, the children designed a superhero who would inspire others with a positive motto.


Year 5 and 6 are very brave! They were able to talk about what they are good at and what they need to work on. They reflected on how to find their ‘brave’. They gave top tips to each other about how to be brave. They then drew or write in a box about how they find their brave. Mrs Healy was proud of how honest they were and what great  ideas they have to help each other.

Well done Year 5 and 6! If we talk about our problems then we can help each other to solve them.