Year 1/2 Term 1 – ‘The Great Fire of London’

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Dear Parents,

I hope you had a fantastic summer break! This term we will be starting our new topic of ‘The Great Fire of London’. Our PE days are Wednesdays  and some Tuesdays & Fridays; please ensure your child’s kit is always in school as the timetable can sometimes change – trainers and coats every day are essential.

Our homework focus for this term is Reading Please read with your child regularly. Their books and book bags will need to be in every day.

There is a page in the reading record for each week, we ask that you initial whenever you read with your child at home or make notes as appropriate.

In school, we have our own record keeping systems and teachers/TAs will not write in these home records. It is expected in our school reading policy that the children should read at home at least three times a week. If the children achieve their ‘three reads’ they will receive a raffle ticket.

The reading records will be checked and raffle tickets given on a Friday and entered into a draw which will be held in the following week’s celebration assembly.

Helping to enrich our topics

It is always great to have items or visitors that support our topic, so if anyone has any experience or items that may help us with any of the work we are doing this term, we would love to see and hear about them.

Parent readers

We are always looking for extra parent helpers to hear readers, please let me know if you are available, even if it’s a one off!


Please make sure your child brings in a water bottle each day with fresh water; ensure all jumpers are labelled and bring a coat for any wet weather.

Many thanks, and I hope you have a great term!

Mrs King

Reading at School and at Home

Useful Websites

Questions You Could Ask Your Child About Their Learning This Term

  • When was the Great Fire of London?
  • How is London different today than it was in that time?
  • Why did the fire spread so quickly?
  • What equipment is inside a fire engine?
  • How would you call the fire brigade if you needed them?

Learning Map