Year 3 & 4 Science Day

Over the past two weeks, Year 3 and 4 have enjoyed two science days! The children all took part in different experiments and investigated the reactions of the events that happened.

On the first Science Day, Friday 12th October, Year 3 and 4 looked into experiments involving materials

Activity 1: How can mixtures become separated? We looked at the mixtures you have in front of us. Then we separated the substances.

Activity 2: Who can melt an ice cube the quickest? We had to predict which method we thought would melt the ice cube fastest and then test it out.

Activity 3: We were sorting different materials. In our groups, we had to look at each   object and decide whether it was a solid, a liquid or a gas.

Activity 4: We watched Miss Riddall: Boil a kettle – hold a mirror over the spout, pour the boiling water over a sugar cube and watch it disappear and turn the fan on with our faces in front of it. We had to predict what we thought would happen and explain what was happening when we watched it.

On the second science day, Wednesday 17th October, Year 3 and 4 took part in activities involving their senses, solids, liquids and gases.

Activity 1: How can we use our sense of smell? Essential oil was put on a tissue, this was then hidden and we had to find it using our noses.

Activity 2: What will happen when boiling water is poured into a glass bowl then covered with cling film? We discussed the water cycle.

Activity 3: Which plastic bottle will squirt water the furthest? There were three bottles to test; 1 full one, 1 half full one and 1 nearly empty one.

Activity 4: We had to estimate and test which balloon weighed the most. Will it be the balloon full or air, water, semi blown up or empty?

Luke said “I think that the warm water will melt the ice-cube the fastest… I was right! Look the ice-cube has got smaller and smaller”.