Cherry Class Forest School

As part of ‘The Great British Spring Clean’, Cherry class donned gloves and spread out in a long line to do a litter sweep of the croft. It turns out they are fantastic at noticing small bits of rubbish and they managed to fill two bags full. Fantastic work Cherry class.

They had a go at arranging themselves into 20 and 7 to explain the partitioning they had learned in maths this week.

As part of their topic work, Cherry Class have been learning about different animals on the Savannah. They explained about wildebeests and cheetahs, and then played a game, where they took on the characters of the animals,

The children explained about some of the poems they have been trying to write and so they joined in with the rhyming words of the story ‘The Ugly Five’ and were fantastic at remembering the lines and details of the story. We had a quick go at trying to spot any animal shapes in the clouds above us.

We had a quick go at Pooh sticks at the river Medway, with carefully selected sticks, before returning to school.