Cherry Trip to the Dentist

On Friday 11th October, Cherry class went on the bus to Forest Row to Stone Cottage Dentist to learn more about how to look after our teeth as part of our topic ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’. The children really enjoyed going on the bus and sat on the top deck! The children had a turn at sitting in the dentist’s chair and practised brushing some models of teeth to check they were doing it correctly. We all learnt about how to look after our teeth and which foods can help us to keep them strong and healthy. We even got a goody bag to take home – thank you Stone Cottage we all had a great time!!

Impact and Knowledge Gained

The children learnt how their diet is important in keeping their teeth healthy, linking to their science learning about diet affecting their overall health. They consolidated their understanding of what a healthy diet consists of by discussing the food groups that we need to keep our bodies strong. By using a dentist that is close to the school, the trip helped enhance their knowledge of their local surroundings.