Willow Class Forest School

On the way to the woods, Willow Class made some silhouettes of animals and creatures in their shadows created by the low winter sun.

Some children had a go at lighting the fire, as it was a really chilly day! They were great at listening to instructions, taking turns and being safe around the fire, using the fire gloves to transfer their lit cotton wool onto the top of the fire carefully.

Some children spent their time using the bow saw in pairs, to cut a piece of wood. They then used the palm drills to drill holes to create seasonal decorations taken from their own creative ideas.

The stream was a draw as some children set about adapting and rebuilding the bridge over it as a group. They moved lots of wood and measured it to see if it would be suitable to use for the bridge.

The Impact of Forest School for the children is the knowledge the children have gained from the Forest School experience.

The impact can be seen through the skills, tools used, art and craft activities, observations and knowledge of the fruit, plants trees in relation to the seasons and the skills involved in learning how to play Forest School games.

Many thanks to our brilliant volunteers who make our Forest School possible and for their patience and skills in supporting the children with fire lighting and bridge building.