On Friday 24th June, Lilac Class was invited to go and join Bede's Senior School in Upper Dicker to attempt a World Record for the largest number of people in a photo creating a picture of the world! Along with Year 5 and 6 children from East Hoathly, Chiddingly and Park Mead, we spent the morning at Bede's and heard a speech by Peter Milne, who has over 25 years of experience as a teacher, trainer and consultant with an in-depth knowledge of Education for Sustainability Development and Global Citizenship.
His talk inspired us all to make small changes to help the protect the environment and some of the children were brave enough to go up to the front of the hall (with about 350 other children in it!) and share their ideas on how to be better citizens.
We then went up onto the golf course and attempted the world record! The children were very patient as it took quite a while to get everybody in position! The image has been submitted to the Guinness World Records, which is very exciting! It may take a number of months before we formally hear back from them that our attempt has been successful but there were 816 people in the photo and the previous record was 479 so we are hopeful!