Maple Class Blog

Maple Class Blog

Thursday 7th December 2017

Maple Class had a lovely time at St Mary’s Church on Thursday morning. We heard the story of Jesus’ birth and joined in with telling it with actions and words, singing songs and talking about the parts of the story and characters which we knew.

We all had party hats and blowers like a traditional celebration of a birthday, as we learned that Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’ birthday. We also got to practise singing one of our songs for the Nativity in the church to an audience for the first time….a bit more practise is needed still! We then had cakes for our snack time and blew our party blowers to carry on the celebration!

Thank you so much to Katrina, Revered Julie and the toddler group of St Mary’s for inviting us. What a great way to finish our topic about festivals and Celebrations!






Friday 24th November, 2017

A part of our Learning Journey about Festivals and Celebrations, the children have been celebrating with their Teddies. They have read them stories, used the I pad to take photographs of them. Then the children wrote about their Teddies for a fact file. We talked about dressing up and having food at different celebrations, so the children created instructions of how to make sandwiches and then made some for a Teddy Bears picnic. “ This honey is delicious!”- Daisy. “I like having a party with my Teddy”-Noah.


Wednesday 4th October 2017

We have been thinking about how we are all different and how we are all special, this term as we are all making new friends in Maple class. We read the story bugs in a blanket and then used carders to comb wool and then felt our own bugs. We used our counting skills to count how many legs and eyes they had, and discussed the similarities and differences in colours. Don’t they look great!


We used mirrors to look at ourselves, to then use paint and collage to create self-portraits. This is our class!
We have been writing our own labels and names for independently drawn pictures, using our understanding of letters and phonics.


A photographer came from the local paper…We spotted the sun was out, so chose our brilliant garden would be the perfect space to stand for our picture.We will be in print on October 6th, along with many other local Reception Classes.

Many of us have used construction toys which we are proudly putting on the display table, with our own name labels.
Cardboard boxes and 3d wooden construction shapes have been a great inspiration for imaginative, collaborative play in our covered outside area.
We love the new ribbons on sticks, which we got through collecting active kids vouchers last year. They are helping us to write our letters, by drawing large letters in the sky and we are also using them for expression and movement and dance!