The County Council’s admission
If you are looking for a primary school place then please contact our school office on 01892 770221 or email us at We occasionally have a limited number of spaces available in each year group. Our headteacher would be delighted to give you and your child(ren) a personal tour of the school.
St Mary’s welcomes children from all neighbouring counties and currently have several families from as far away as Edenbridge and Tunbridge Wells in Kent, and Lingfield in Surrey.
If you are looking for a space to start in the Reception class in September, please contact us. We run several taster session to ensure children are excited and confident about starting ‘big school’ in September. Our Reception teachers come and visit you in your own home during the first week of the new academic year. When children start in Reception they are introduced to a Year 6 buddy who will play with them, eat lunch with them and read with them. This ensures children settle in quickly, are happy and making friends across all year groups.
Applications for school places in Reception Year must be made via your child’s home authority. So, if you live in East Sussex, you must apply through East Sussex County Council. You can do this by clicking here . If you live in one of the neighbouring counties – eg Kent, then you should apply through your County Council. You can apply to Kent County Council by clicking here , and Surrey County Council by clicking here . Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if we can be of any assistance.
If your child is transferring to St Mary’s from another school we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact the school office to confirm if we have space available in your child’s year group and we will advise you of the next steps to take. These applications are made directly to East Sussex County Council.
More information, including our over subscription criteria and our Admissions Criteria can be found in the Policies and Documents section of this website. Click here to go to our Policies page.