Subject leaders across the federation have created Curriculum Road Maps. These documents show how the skills and knowledge required for the subject is sequentially built upon over time, through a variety of topics during a child’s journey from Early Years through to Year 6 at East Hoathly School.
All staff have a detailed understanding of the curriculum and are able to explain how and why each subject is taught in the way it is.
Threads of skills and knowledge are woven into the curriculum’s intent, leading to a holistic education in each subject area by the end of a child’s primary school experience.
Curriculum displays, showing the intended impact of each subject area from each leaders’ action plans, are exhibited around the school with evidence of learning from each year group.
Across 2022-23, subject leaders will also add further information to the Road Map documents, ensuring it is clear how each subject makes explicit links between the early years curriculum and the national curriculum in key stage 1 and 2, thereby ensuring progression of skills and knowledge. See this icon on the maps. They will also ensure it is clearly documented how pupils with special educational needs, those who are disadvantaged and the lowest performing 20% are identified and supported to progress.
See this icon on the maps. These children are at the centre of our curriculum design and we ensure that they are able to access the curriculum fully through individualised support/intervention, resourcing, effective differentiation and variation of skills progression as required.