Healthy Schools

We are pleased to have achieved self-validated Healthy Schools Status this term using the School Health Check tool, indicating that St Mary’s has self-evaluated whole school health. This demonstrates that our school is embedding and improving provision against the four core health themes of Healthy Schools. This status is valid for three years.

In practical terms, it has led to a range of initiatives and improvements across the school:

  • Healthy snack push
  • No rewards related to food
  • New mobile kitchen unit to improve hands on teaching of food technology
  • Dedicated area of the school to promote and raise the profile of healthy eating
  • Chartwells workshops on a balanced diet with all children making and trying ‘rainbow wraps’

Further plans are in place to complete:

  • Workshops for parents and carers on healthy packed lunch options (working with FunkyFoods ambassador)
  • Willow class social justice project in Spring 2 setting up the Community Orchard and exploring the process of field to fork.