Lilac Imperial War Museum / HMS Belfast Visit

At the beginning of this term, Lilac Class took a trip to the Imperial War Museum, spent the night aboard HMS Belfast then took in some of the London sights.

Chloe and Scarlett each wrote an amazing thank you letter for the trip which have been adapted for our Newsletter:

“Staying on HMS Belfast was so fun and interesting. The whole class loved it. The beds didn’t look the cosiest but when they were set up they were so comfy!

Learning about the massive 178m HMS Belfast was so cool, as was learning about the hammocks and the rest of history. It’s weird knowing they used to have hammocks and now we have comfy beds.

At night the girls could hear the boat making noises (we chatted over it though!) When I woke up it took me a while to remember where I was, then we all helped each other pack up sleeping bags before going to breakfast, which was delicious—toast and orange juice for me! I can tell others liked the breakfast because they ate a lot of it really quickly.

After breakfast we had a tour and while my favourite part was the cells I would’ve hated to sleep on the wooden prison beds, it really hurt my head when I laid down. I loved the lessons that we had because some of us got to try on the old outfits that people used to wear and have a go in a hammock! We also got to try the captain’s chair and overlook London which was super enjoyable especially when we saw a seal swim by in the river.

Making mugs was so cool, writing my nickname on he flags and drawing seaweed because we were on the water.

We then took a tour around London, including going on Tower Bridge and seeing Beefeaters. The bridge looks really tall but when you are on it, it doesn’t feel that high up and the views were spectacular.

When we got back to HMS Belfast to collect our stuff one of the volunteers told us about another ship he had sailed on in America.

It was sad having to leave the ship and I appreciated the day very much”