This week all of the children brought in bikes and scooters as part of our ‘Off We Go!’ topic.

The children talked about how to be safe when they are riding, by looking out for others and wearing their helmets.

They made ‘START’ ‘STOP’ and ‘PARKING’ signs in chalk on the playground floor and then made ‘LEFT’ and ‘RIGHT’ signs to direct each other with later.

The children have uses the ipad to time each other on their bikes and recorded how many laps of the playground the children could ride in one minute.
Maple Classes Year 6 Buddies came to spend time with the children and their bikes. They spent time using the signs they had made and then organised a fantastic bike race!
It has been brilliantly fun to watch the children enthusiastically learning with their wheels! Two children have learned to ride their bikes on their own without stabilisers this week already! Well done Maple Class!