Maple Class set off to the woods, insearch of signs of Spring. They found crocuses and daffosils and then some small yellow celandines along the Forest Way. Along with some huge and excitingly splashable puddles!
We stopped for a rest and tried some of the rosehip syrup we had made during the Autumn term. The children took it from a spoon as if it were medicine, like during WW2. The children talked about how it was healthy and unhealthy “it is made from plants, but not healthy for your teeth as it is really sugary, it tastes like honey”
The recent storm had blown down some trres and the children investigated the sawn up logs and fallen limbs.
“It smells fresh”
“The rings in a tree tell you how old it is”
“This log pile looks like a bench, it is perfect for a rest!”
The Impact of Forest School for the children is the knowledge the children have gained from the Forest School experience.
The impact can be seen through the skills, tools used, art and craft activities, observations and knowledge of the fruit, plants trees in relation to the seasons and the skills involved in learning how to play Forest School games.
The children found some alder cones by the stream and had a go at making bumblebees.
“they like the flowers that are out, they drink them and make honey”
They learned a song:
Spring is here said the bumble bee, ‘how do you know’? Said the old Oak tree
‘Because I saw a daffodil, dancing with the fairies on the windy hill.’