Maple Forest School

On Thursday 28th March , Maple Class had their Forest School lesson in school, continuing their theme of birds.

The class started by going on a bird hunt for ten little bird teddies that had hidden themselves in the classroom. This was enjoyed so much that the birds were hidden again by a child for round two of bird hunting!

Once all the birds were found, the children took it in turns to hold them up and as a group talked about what they were. Dormouse gave a little information about each bird as they looked at them. While describing how the green woodpecker fly’s one child exclaimed it was:

“like a roller coaster”.

They all got to squeeze their bird while the class listened to the sound it made.

The children were then able to make their own bird nests full of colourful eggs. They used hay to create the nest, shaping it in to a circle and making sure to line the bottom well to keep the eggs safe. They then coloured in some stones to use as the egg which came in all different sizes and colours.

While making the nests the children talked about where a bird would choose to nest and what materials they would use to build it.

When asked what the nests were for the class replied:

“for eggs, that hatch”.

Other in the class chose to use pens, paint, crayons and pastels to create some beautiful spring leaves. They spent time looking at the different shapes of leaves that were beginning to grow outside and finished the lesson by taking turns to listen to what each other had enjoyed about forest school.

“the bird hunt”
“making eggs”