As soon as Maple Class were ready for Forest School they headed out on a hunt for some dry fallen leaves. They were amazing! It had been raining and they headed straight to the tarpaulin den saying: “the leaves will be dry in there”. They were right and soon we had a bucket full of leaves!
They spent some time talking about Hedgehogs: what they look like, how they would feel and if anyone has seen one in their garden.
With the leaves that they collected they then created their own Hedgehogs, using the leaves as the spikes. With all the different shapes and colours this was really effective.
Using green leaves and crayons some children created beautiful leaf rubbing pictures, placing the leaf under the paper then rubbing the crayon over the top leaving the leaf shape on the paper.
With so many conkers around Maple Class took the opportunity to create two more conker caterpillars, reinforcing the skills they had learnt earlier in the term. They remembered how to be safe when using the palm drill which can be tricky as they have to push and twist at the same time. The effort they put in to make sure the palm drill went all the way through the conker was impressive!
Following a class vote, the new caterpillars have the fabulous names of Robin and Sparkles.
The children then went onto the playground with more conkers to see how far they could roll them, taking it in turns to roll one up the playground and running after it to mark how far they had managed to get it.
It was an amazing effort with some conkers almost making it to the fence!