Maple Hever Castle Trip

As part of their topic ‘Once Upon a Time, Maple Class were lucky enough to visit Hever Castle in the last week of term 4! The children were so excited to visit a real castle and find out more about how it was built and who had lived there.

They travelled to Hever Castle by minibus and enjoyed looking out for familiar landmarks and signs of Spring on the journey. The children had looked at the route that was taken before leaving using google maps and had talked about where they all lived in relation to the route that they would take.

After arriving, they found a lovely place for lunch and enjoyed talking about our surroundings as we ate. The children enjoyed looking at the topiary and the shapes of some of the bushes.

On the way to the castle, they enjoyed feeding the ducks and the fish. They were very hungry!

Finally they arrived at the castle and saw the moat with the drawbridge and spotted the portcullis.

The children were interested in the fact that it was made out of wood and talked about some of the other materials they could see:
glass windows, tiled roof, stone walls, wooden beams.

Maple Class also visited the maze eventually finding their way to the middle and each other! They enjoyed looking at the extensive gardens and smelling some of the flowers. The hyacinths smelled gorgeous!

To end their day, they walked to the playgrounds and had the most wonderful time!