Click the following links to read about St Mary's Church and the Diocese of Chichester
Term 5 2022-23: Friendship

This term, we will be exploring the many different friendships within the Bible, including Barnabus and Paul & Elijah and Elisha. We will be using the messages taught from these stories to reflect on how we can be better friends to not only to our classmates, but also our Earth, people within our community and across the world through our World in Need partnership.
Term 4 2022-23: Forgiveness + Hope

This term, we will be using the Easter story to learn more about our values of Forgiveness and Hope. Pupils will be exposed to the main parts of the Easter Story and explore what it teaches Christians about forgiveness and hope, but also the impact that these values still have on Christians today, particularly at this time of year. We will bring all of our learning together at our Easter Service at the end of term.
Term 3 2022-23: Courage

This term, we will be learning about different 'Giants of Faith' within the Bible, including Esther and Daniel. We will be thinking about how we can lead by example but also who we can turn to when we need a bit of help feeling brave. Our value this term links in nicely with two of our main values - Strength & Faith - so we will be exploring how they can help us to have courage. Our Courageous Advocacy question this term is, 'How and why does it take courage to forgive?' which we will be discussing collectively in assemblies and also within our classes.
Term 2 2022-23: Compassion and Peace

This term, our values are Compassion and Peace. We will be learning about the Bible stories of The Lost Sheep and Jesus calms the storm. We will also be reflecting on Remembrance this term, learning about why we wear poppies and also taking part in services within the community. Our Courageous advocacy question remains the same as last term and we will be developing it further by volunteering at the Hartfield Christmas Lunch and creating and delivering Bags of Hope, linking with the Church.
Term 1 2022-23: Generosity

This term, our value is Generosity. We will be exploring this through Bible stories such as The Feeding of the 5000 and The Rebuilding of Jerusalem. Our Courageous Advocacy question for this term is 'How and why should we give our time to others?', so we shall be thinking about this during reflective time and putting it into practice through hosting our own Macmillan Coffee morning and volunteering at the Church Community Cafe.
We will also be reminding ourselves of our school values: Love, Strength and Faith this term.