Monday Worship 2021-22

Term 2 2021-22 - Trust and Peace


This term, we have two values to focus on. We will be learning about trust - what it means and how we can show it and be trustworthy. We will be learning about 'Giants of Faith' in the bible, including Gideon, Elijah and Abraham and thinking about how we can always trust God during difficulties in our lives. Our value of Peace is one we learn about every Christmas season as it is central to the Christian Christmas message. We will be making Christingles, practicing for our nativity and learning some Christmas songs ready for the Christmas Praise service in church. The dates of our Christmas services are below - we hope you can join us for some of these!

9th December - Whole School Nativity in the church (Please contact the School Office to book a ticket at either the 10am or 2pm showing)
12th December - Christmas Praise service at 9:30am in church
15th December - Christingle Service at 9:30am in church
17th December - End of term service at 2:30pm in church

Term 1 2021-22 - Thankfulness


This term, we are focusing on the value of thankfulness and thinking of all the wonderful things God gives us. We will be reading the Parable of the Seed, learning about the fruits of the Spirit and also celebrating Harvest. You are most welcome to join us on Wednesday 6th October at 9:30am in the church for our Harvest Festival where the children will be performing poems, singing and reading prayers. This year, we are especially thankful as we are all able to be back together as s school community, not separated by bubbles or social distancing within school, which is such a blessing after such a long time.

Term 6 2020-21 - Respect


This term, we are focusing on the value of Respect. It links in so nicely with our value of last term and we will be using stories from the bible and linking in with the British Values to help us learn more about what respect looks like and why it's so important. We are excited to be going back to church in our school bubbles with Rev. Julie this term and she will also teach us about The Holy Trinity. We have a range of visitors this term to lead our collective worships - Mark Philpott will be coming in again and we also have some assemblies and workshops called 'Amazing Me!' which will teach us the value of being different and special.

Term 5 2020-21 - Friendship


We are focusing on the value of Friendship this term. As we have been separated from our friends for so long, and as restrictions continue to ease, it is a great opportunity to remind ourselves of the importance of good friends, how to be a good friend and what Jesus teaches us about friendship. We will also reflect on Pentecost and the significance of this event for Christians all over the world. We will read stories from the Bible about friends (such as Mary and Martha, Paul and Barnabus and Peter and Jesus) and learn how other religions also celebrate friendship. The children will also use their Spiritual Journals to reflect on how the stories they hear in Collective Worships can be applied in their own lives.

Term 4 2020-21 - Forgiveness and Hope


This term, our values are Forgiveness and Hope. As we reflect on what a strange year this has been, we have never been in more in need of hope for the future. By also focusing on forgiveness in the lead up to Easter, we are reminded of the forgiveness that Jesus offers us freely by dying on the cross and rising again, three days later. Rev Julie is putting together and Easter Garden in the church yard and, with the help of the children who will visit it in their classes in the run-up to Easter, they will create a spring garden, reminding us all of the hope that is to come. The children will write prayers on doves (a symbol of peace) and attach these to the word HOPE which our fantastic Site Manager, Mr Grey, has created out of wire. Look out later in the term for some photos!

Term 3 2020-21 - Truthfulness


This term, our value is Truthfulness. Over the next six weeks, we will be reading a variety of bible stories that help teach us the importance of being truthful. We will learn about Jacob and Esau, Jonah and Saul of Damascas as well as reading 'Who made me?' by Shirley Tulloch and learning about Saint Lucy who lived in the Roman Empire when Jesus was alive. Truthfulness is part of our Golden Rules at St Mary's - 'We are honest and think before we act' and an important value for the children to learn more about, using Jesus as our example.

Term 2 2020-21 - Generosity


This term, our value is Generosity. We will be learning about God’s generosity by reading the Parable of the Great Feast and finding out about The Widow and the Oil. We will also read ‘The Rainbow Fish’ to help show us how we can learn to be more generous and then use familiar characters in the Christmas story to link the miracle of Jesus’ birth with our value.