Safety in Action

On Thursday 13th June, Year 6 had the opportunity to join Safety in Action at Bowles outdoor centre. Safety in Action is a local initiative, coordinated by East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service which brings emergency services and community agencies, set up to encourage children to recognise hazards within day to day life and to take action to keep themselves safe.

Thankfully Finlay, Chloe and Will have been our reporters for the trip:

“On Thursday 13th the Year 6 students travelled to Bowles outdoor activity centre for their ‘Safety in Action’ session.

We were taught about safety at train stations (never go on the rail tracks), internet safety, fire safety (how to call a fire engine), road safety (stop, look, listen, think), water safety (how to save a drowning person), environmental safety (where not to light fires and what to do if you find suspicious debris in the woods), alcohol safety (how to measure alcohol) and electrical safety (need to stay away from wires ). We learnt how to do CPR, how to save a drowning person and how to be responsible around electricity.

It was extremely fun, especially testing the ’drunk’ goggles! I laughed so many times when we were there.

As a group we all found it very helpful for later life, especially the road safety for when we will be walking to our new secondary schools.”

It looked like so much effort had been put into the session and we really appreciated everything they did to make this possible. and were very grateful for all their help and information.

Moving forward, the team providing the Safety in Action event would like to everyone to use and promote further learning by using the Staywise website. is a free online library of educational resources and activities from the UK’s leading emergency services and safety-focused organisations making it easy for you to find trusted materials that provide learning opportunities to help keep children safe.
Please encourage your children, to visit ‘Staywise’ to help reinforce key safety messages learned at Safety in Action.