Wellbeing Day!

The whole school paused to explore and celebrate wellbeing. We started by wearing our slippers to school to help us feel relaxed and comfortable! In the morning, each class took part in four different activities to learn different ways to look after themselves and their wellbeing. This included taking part in different mindfulness activities, which the children can do themselves at home to relax; learning about how to look after our bodies by making sure we are eating healthily; practising different elements of First Aid, such as ‘Dr ABC’ and how to help blood flow back to our hearts when we are hurt and lastly, joining in with  different sensory activities  to help focus our brains and connect with our bodies. We then spent a chilly afternoon at Forest School, which helps with wellbeing through building relationships, talking with others and allowing our brains to stop and focus on one thing at a time  – the amazing setting and fresh air helps too! Please see the Forest School page on our website for more information about what everyone got up to! It was great to have so many grown-ups join us at the woods yesterday and thank you for being so helpful to all the children. What a fantastic day to remind us of the importance of our wellbeing, particularly at such a busy time of year!

Impact & Knowledge Gained

Highlighting the importance of wellbeing ensures a broad enhancement of the pupils’ moral and social development. It has built on the children’s knowledge of how to eat healthily and also that their mental health is just as important as their physical health. The pupils now have a range of strategies available to them and are aware of how to be safe, how to figure out what their feelings might be telling them and the importance of their relationships with others.