Willow Class Science Afternoon

On Wednesday 5th February, Willow Class had a really exciting afternoon making torches as a way of applying all the knowledge they have gained this term about electricity. After an initial discussion about whether torches gave renewable or non-renewable energy; a recap on what all the parts in a circuit were called and what conductors and in-sulators are, Willow were joined by Mr Martin-Lawrence who had kindly prepared a lot of resources for them to make the torch making a fairly simple process. We were also joined by 10 other willing parents who helped the children create amazing torches! Once the children had assembled the circuits and screwed all the parts into place, the joy on their faces when they flicked them on was fantastic to see! They then decorated them with their own creative flair and proudly showed them off to one another. What a fantastic afternoon to share in all the learning that the children have done this term and some amazing design work from Willow Class! A huge thank you to all the parents who came in to help – we could not have done it without you! A special thank you to Mr Martin-Lawrence (and Thomas!) who prepared a lot of the parts beforehand and were the resident experts for the afternoon.