Willow Forest School

Before Willow Class set off for Forest School on Thursday 9th May, they were told about a bird that has decided to make its home in the log/coat store. They talked about the importance of being quiet if they were close to that area so that they did not ‘spook’ the bird or frighten it away. Very practically they suggested that they:
“Leave all the bags outside so that we don’t scare the mummy bird away.“

Willow Class have a photo of the eggs that have been laid in the nest, and have been challenged to identify what bird the nest belongs to!

As they made their way to Forest School, the class had a scavenger hunt, with many things to find from something long to three different shaped leaves! The children found a muddy ditch as they walked using a stick to test the depth so they could wade through while trying their best not to get their wellies stuck in the mud:
“it’s so sticky”.

Once at Forest School a group of children gathered all the digging tools and headed to the stream. Using the tools they started to dig out the logs that had been put in by another class before as a dam as they wanted to allow the water to flow straight down to the ditch. They also moved some mud around to create some steps down to the stream so making access a little easier. They soon discovered however, that as they smoothed the mud with water it made their steps rather slippery!

A small group chose to pop on some gloves, doubling them up and grabbing the secateurs to start to tackle the brambles that have swamped the fairy garden. They worked really hard cutting them down as some of the brambles had grown almost as tall as them. While clearing they came across some Cuckoo Spit, and learnt whenever they see this, that there is a small bug living in the frothy liquid called a Froghopper.

There were some beautiful leaf printed pictures created, by applying a small amount of paint to the underside of a leaf and them pressing it down onto paper. This left a very clear print of the leaf.

Mixing the paints they managed to create pictures of multi-coloured leaves observing that:

“I made purple”
“I made orange”.