After School Club Forest School

With a couple of brilliant small people, we set off after a busy day at school to tackle the muddy path to the woods. We muddied our boots along the way and had great fun wading in puddles to clean them. The rain came and went again as our hoods went up and down.

The willow was everywhere and we chatted about cats fur trees, catty willow, catty puss tails and calling the trees Ruby and Brian... because they might have other names and if they didn’t, then we should help them choose them!

I finally found the elusive hazel flower. A tiny delight, which is tricky to spot, but I felt like a winner when I found a glimpse of ruby red on the tips of the buds.

Having arrived in the woods and demolishing a packet of biscuits, the children set about drilling homes in name disks with brilliant independence. They then created whatever they wanted and threaded them into necklaces. (We've hidden them in a sneaky place for when we return next week.)

Then it was all about the stream...crossing it, testing it's depth, squelching sticks, and generally having a jolly good poke around in the mud.

Thanks for a lovely time. I can’t wait until next week!

check out what the children have been up to on the blog on the website: