Cherry Class Forest School

The class were great at spotting interesting signs of spring on the walk to the woods. They were very good at using the identification sheets to support their identification: finding hazel catkins, cuckoo pint, daffodils, crocuses, oak trees, silver birch trees, lichen pink acorns and alder cones.

Once the class had reached the woods they each took a moment to find a quiet ‘sit spot’ to observe and listen.

Some children played with the large ‘nest’, which is on the woodland floor and started to learn a bit about recognising birds. They talked about what materials birds might use to build nest and had a go themselves with hay, leaves, sticks and clay which they dug from the woodland floor. The children played with toy birds and learned to identify them by their colours and bird call.

The children had a go at making their own birds with card and sticks and then flew them around the Forest School area.

Some of the class discovered that the bluebells sprouting under the leaves on the woodland floor had grown up taller since their last session. We tried our hardest to stick to the paths, so as to protect them as they grow.

Some children took to the stream, where there was much excitement trying to move logs from the water to help the flow of the stream.

The class discovered that a tree had fallen, which had stopped the swing working. We got out the bow saw to remove the fallen hazel and there was enjoyment on the swing and taking it in turns to push and wait for each other to have a go. The children worked out a strategy for taking turns on the hammock fairly, by queuing, pushing and counting.

It was World book day, so there was some reading in the woods!

The Impact of Forest School for the children is the knowledge the children have gained from the Forest School experience.

The impact can be seen through the skills, tools used, art and craft activities, observations and knowledge of the fruit, plants trees in relation to the seasons and the skills involved in learning how to play Forest School games.

A huge thank you to the volunteers who came and supported the children so brilliantly, we can’t do it without you!