Coronation Celebrations

Last Friday the children split into Houses to celebrate different aspects of the King’s coronation celebrations.

To mark His Majesty The King’s Coronation, thousands of organisations across the country are getting together to give us all the chance to help out in our own local communities – it’s called The Big Help Out. We thought we would join in with this by litter picking and helping to make Hartfield look as beautiful as ever before the big weekend! After this, we played some Coronation-themed games called The King’s Horse race and Balance the Crown. The children were all so eager to do their part to tidy up in the village – it was lovely to see them all take such pride in their school’s local community.

They joined Mrs Pike and Mrs Neville to weave the willow branches into a crown. We were so impressed by the perseverance shown by all as they pushed and pulled the long branches to weave and create a crown fit for a king! Many children decided to embellish their crowns further with leaves and flowers.

The children planted some wildflower seeds around the bare patches of soil in the schools raised beds. The seeds had been sent to the children from the Parish council as part of the Coronation celebrations.

They children also planted some daffodil bulbs for next spring, potted some sunflowers and planted out some zinnias and vegetable seedlings which had been donated by the parent community.

There were some lovely coronation inspired plant labels created to accompany the plants which had gone in the ground.

There was time to have a general garden tidy up, creating neater edges along the edges of the garden and tidying up fallen leaves and old plant growth from last year. The children worked brilliantly to make the outside space tidy for Cherry and Maple Class. We can’t wait to see how our plants develop and thrive!