Lilac Forest School

Lilac set off for the woods for their last session of the year on the day after midsummer’s day. On the walk to the woods the children collected samples of wildflowers and plants on sticky tape, they tried to create the colours of the rainbow. They talked about the fact they found lots of yellows, greens and whites, but not as many blue and purple coloured pants as they had found in the springtime.

As part of celebrating their transition to secondary school, the Year 6 children built a final fire. They showed independence and perseverance with lighting it with fire strikers and cotton wool. Then they each thought of something they had enjoyed or gained from Forest School and what skills they had gained. They shared their reflections as they jumped the fire.

The whole class thought about the IMPACT of Forest School and recorded their experiences together on an evaluation sheet. The Impact of Forest School for the children is the knowledge the children have gained from the Forest School experience. The impact can be seen through the skills, tools used, art and craft activities, observations and knowledge of the fruit, plants trees in relation to the seasons and the skills involved in learning how to play Forest School games.

Other independent activities the children chose this week were: digging, exploring in the stream, hammock swinging and tapping rhythms with sticks. There was some fantastic team work evident with the children’s dam building. They worked together to carefully and skilfully engineer a bridge dam with logs and clay. One group built a beautiful fairy house with sticks and reinforced it with clay.

There was much enjoyment and hilarity at the hammock today.

A massive thanks to our volunteers for your support and engagement in Forest School, we couldn’t do it without you!