Lilac Forest School

Lilac Class set off for Forest School on a sunny afternoon, although it was still rather soggy under foot following the extensive rain we have experienced over recent months. The class enjoyed squelching through the mud as they made their way across the field and as they walked the class discussed how we are now heading into spring, with some children spotting the early signs as they walked.

Once at Forest School they split into two groups. One group worked together to gather as much firewood as they could, making sure to only collect dry dead sticks. The other group laid the fire ready for lighting remembering from previous sessions that the larger sticks go on the bottom, working to smaller sticks at the top. Using a flint a steal they quickly lit a piece if cotton wool to get the fire going, and once it was nice and hot they cooked bacon for everyone to enjoy a bacon sandwich.

The class spent a lot of time playing in the ditch as it had a good flow of water running down it. They continued with their dam making from previous sessions, using mud to hold the logs in place. This created pools of water to splash in.

One member of the class chose to help remove all the leaves that had gathered on the roof of the log shelter, which were allowing water to collect and create puddles making it sag. With the help of an adult they moved a table to stand on, then using a birch broom swept the leaves and the water off.