Maple Forest School

Maple Class were very excited to get outside and start exploring. Each were given a stick ready to go on a hunt for some autumn leaves. They then threaded as many leaves onto their sticks as they could, sharing what colours the leaves were as they picked them up “a yellow one” “a green leaf”. They were really good at making sure to be gentle so that the leaves did not tear.

They went up onto the playground to see if they could find any conkers, searching through the leaves on the ground. They found 11 conkers, just enough for one each! They spotted loads more up in the tree that had not fallen yet and we talked about how we would have to wait for the wind to blow them down!

Having explored the leaves and trees on the playground, the children headed back to the classroom where they made Ladybirds. We talked about all the different colours that a ladybird could be.

Once finished these were popped onto the end of the sticks so they could fly them around the classroom.

They also took it in turns to use a palm drill to make a hole through the conkers, threading them onto a pipe cleaner. With all 11 conkers on the pipe cleaner it created their conker caterpillar. The children came up with some names for the caterpillar, but when put to the vote, Tilly was the most popular.

Maple Class finished their session with a story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Crocodiles’.