Maple Forest School

On Thursday 1st February. Maple Class went off to Forest School and while the sun was shining it was still cold, so they wrapped up warm before heading off for their afternoon exploring the woods.

On they way some children chose to find different coloured natural materials to fill egg boxes. They noticed lots of brown and green colours around them and wondered what colours they might notice in Summer and in Autumn?

They also used their senses of hearing and smell today, to listen to the sounds around them and to smell what was in the air.

Maple got very excited to see lots of sheep, noticing them running across a field. During the walk, they also saw their first cyclists so were able to call out ‘Pedal Power’.

On arrival, some children decided to swing and climb. Others chose to add to a bug hotel. The firm favourite for many children was the stream and a group made a bridge out of sticks Lots of fun was had splashing and going on, and under the big bridge.