Maple Term 3 Newsletter – ‘Off We Go!’

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Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back and we hope you all had a lovely Christmas holiday.

Our topic is ‘Off We Go!’ where we will be learning about different types of transport and the journeys that they can take us on. We will also be looking at how transport such as cars, buses and planes have changed since they were first invented. Through this we will be exploring some non-fiction books and how we can find out information. We will also be looking at maps to see where different countries and cities are and how we might get there. We will learn a little bit about space and space explorations also!

Key Texts

Areas of Learning


Our focus in literacy this term is to secure our phonic knowledge to write sentences, instructions and stories through talk for writing. In reading, our phonics knowledge, high frequency and tricky words will develop further from our reading of key texts and sharing and discussing new stories together. We will continue to use the library and learn about non- fiction and information books.


In maths we will be becoming more familiar with naming and describing 2D and 3D shapes. We will be continuing to secure our number skills to 20 and then exploring addition and subtraction with games and activities. We will continue to develop our mathematical vocabulary about positions and directions.

Parent Readers and Learning Journeys

We would love to have different adults to come and read to the children every week. If you have the time, could you write down in your child’s homework book- a Tuesday afternoon which you can come and read a story to the class, or a small group of children. We would love readers from 2.55-3.15pm. It is also a chance to look through your child’s learning journey at school, so please feel free to pop in on any week.

As explained when the children began school, you are welcome to bring in any photos or contributions for the learning journey books. We have sent more ‘wow’ stars home for you to record any fantastic things they have been doing at home.

Bike and Scooter Week

During the second week of term (Monday 14th January), we would like to ask you to bring in a child’s scooter, trike or bike from home for the week. We will keep these outside our classroom and use them to practise our gross motor skills, make our own roads and bike tracks on the playground, make signs and inspire our learning from our own interests and ideas. Please bring them to the Playground on Monday morning and then collect them on Friday afternoon.

Home Learning

Thanks to constant practise, the children’s reading is developing well. Thank you to all of you who support this at home. It really does make a difference.

Reading Please read with your child regularly, even if it is just for a few minutes. Now that the children are using their sounds to blend new words, it is important that they begin to discuss each book and understand words such as ‘character’, ‘title’, ‘setting’, ‘beginning’, ‘middle’, ‘end’.
Letters & Sounds The weekly homework letter will continue to come home with the sounds that we have been learning. We have now moved on to learning ‘digraphs’ and ‘trigraphs’ (two or three letters to make one sound). Please keep looking through your phonics and tricky word books with your child. Little and often is best.

Super Home Challenges!

You might like to choose one of the following activities to try with your child at home. You record these in your home learning book and can bring these into school whenever they are finished to share with the class.

  • Go on a journey and take photos of how you got there and tell us about how long it took.
  • Make a model of a new vehicle and give it a name! Be as creative as you can!
  • Write a story about one of your vehicles at home.

Websites and Links

Quick Reminders

  • Please can you make sure your child brings in a water bottle and their book bags each day.
  • Can the children please always have a coat in school particularly as the British weather is unpredictable.
  • Our PE days are Monday and Friday but PE kits should be in all week.
  • Please can all children have a spare set of underwear and socks in their PE bag in case of any accidents. It is much more comforting for children to have their own change of clothes to put on if the need arises.
  • Library time- We are changing our library day to Tuesday, so if your child wishes to borrow a book, they must return it on a Tuesday before borrowing another one.

Transport Trips

We are planning a trip on a bus and along the old railway line and as part this terms learning. Letters with further information, will be sent out soon.


If you have any unusual vehicles such as an old bicycle, a tractor or a vintage car that you would be able to bring in and talk to us about, please let me know. Also if you have any models of unusual transport then we would love to see them.

Also we will be continuing our junk modelling skills, with large scale modelling to help us build inventions for space- so any LARGE boxes would be particularly useful and gratefully received.

Thank you for your continued support and please do not hesitate to come and see me if you have any questions of comments.

Mrs Sanders and Miss Bews

Learning Map