Outdoor Club

The Children at St Mary’s Outdoor Club have written letters to the Hartfield & District Horticultural Society.

The children discussed what they would like to do next year and what tools and resources would help them.

These included secateurs to tend to the Willow structure we have at school and some trugs to help us transport and move compost.

The children researched tools on the internet and worked out the costs of the tools they had found. The children then wrote letters to the Horticultural society and illustrated them, which we then sent off in the post.

The children’s requests were discussed and we are very excited that we have been awarded £150!

We will let you know how we are using the new tools and resources as the Year goes on. A huge thank you to our volunteer Mrs Johnson, for her help every week and to Alan Morris at Hartfield Horticultural Society.

We look forward to an exciting Spring Term and Beyond!