Prayer Space

On Wednesday 19th October, we went up to church in our classes to enjoy some prayer spaces that Rev Julie and Kate (our new youth worker) had set up for us.

The focus was on the Lord’s Prayer and there was a station for each section of the prayer.

One of the stations was about forgiveness, linking with the part where we pray for forgiveness for our sins and help to forgive those who hurt us. Part of the activity was ‘Fizzy Forgiveness’ and the children used vitamin tablets in water to imagine their sins or the sins of others ‘fizzing away’ and being forgotten about.

They also drew round their hands and wrote something they are thankful for on each finger and enjoyed focusing on ‘give us our daily bread’ by thinking of all the food they are thankful for!

It was a really lovely time to reflect on the different parts of the Lord’s Prayer and why it is a great model prayer for us to learn.

A very big thank you to Rev Julie and Kate for all the time and effort they put into creating the stations.