Willow Forest School

Willow Class stayed on the school site for their Forest School this week. They worked really well getting the vegetable bed cleared of this year’s old plants, filling up the compost and making space for next year.

They hung all of the sun flower heads on the fence to help feed the birds that visit the school and they also cleared the flower boarder ready to be filled with bulbs for the spring.

In groups they did some bark and leaf rubbings and we talked about what trees the leaves that they were using had come from. As a class they have very impressive tree knowledge!

The children tried different leaves to see which ones worked best, discovering that the thicker leaves were most effective and some beautiful, colourful pictures were created.

The class also tried out some other surfaces to see if they could get a good rubbing, the playground, a bench and a drain cover. The drain cover worked really well with the words on it appearing on the paper as they rubbed.

The children were amazed at how well the rubbings worked, commenting: “Wow, it’s beautiful” “It worked” ”I’m doing this at home”

The class found lots of conkers, so we decided to have a conker rolling race to see how far they could make them travel along the playground. One child managed to roll it so far that it went under the gate and into the hedge the other side of the path!

Willow Class finished Forest School with a story called “Stanley’s Stick” under the Horse Chestnut tree and were joined by a Harvestmen spider!