The PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends Association) at St Mary's are a really friendly bunch of school parents who support the school by fundraising and by organising social events. All parents at St Mary's automatically become members of the PTFA as soon as their child starts at the school. We really value the contribution all parents can make, whether it is just coming along to events or whether it is organising events by yourself. The PTFA welcome you however much time and energy you have to give.

The PTFA's calendar of events revolves around school life. The PTFA organise seasonal events such as a summer social at sports day and a Christmas fair and regular term time activities such as school discos and bake sales. Please have a look at our school calendar for all the latest events (coming soon!)

The PTFA have been fantastically supportive of the school and over the past few years have helped finance many of the play structures and school equipment used in school every day. Our mission is simply to continue with our work supporting the school and helping the school to fund many essential items throughout the year, whilst ensuring the children and parents alike have lots of fun in the process!

If you wish to contact the PTFA you can do so via your class WhatsApp chat, or by emailing

Thank you to everyone for all of your support and hard work!